WATCH: Justin’s Cell Phone Attack!

WATCH: Justin’s Cell Phone Attack!

You know that Justin Bieber pic background you have on your cell phone? Imagine if it was a real pic of JB, one that he’d taken of himself! That’s what happened to one ridiculously lucky Belieber at one of Justin’s recent shows.

A fan tossed a cell phone onstage, and when Justin noticed, he goofed around and posed for pics before tossing it back to her. But when a bunch of other phones started flying to the stage, Justin got annoyed and fake kicked the phones, saying he was going to start stealing the iPhones that landed on stage!

We can’t blame the fans for throwing the phones, but at the same time, can you imagine how many phones Justin would have to deal with if he tried to take a pic with every one?

Check out the video and then head to the comments and Twitter to let us know what YOU think!