Ashton Irwin’s Favorite 1D Member Is…

Ashton Irwin’s Favorite 1D Member Is…


Ashton Irwin has been on tour with One Direction for quite some time now, so we just HAVE to know…which member does he get along with the best?!

Well, we have the answer! “Niall. He comes from a cool family, and he’s a really genuine dude,” Ashton admitted. “He’s got a good sense of humor and he loves rock bands. We really bond over that.” Awww…so cute! We needed another bromance to obsess over! Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson have been lagging with theirs, but Niall and Ashton are the perfect replacement! Now we just have to come up with a cute name…Nashton? We will let YOU decide!

What do YOU think of Ashton and Niall’s bromance? Do YOU want to see them hanging out more? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter!