7 Reasons You’ll Miss ‘PLL’ When It Ends

7 Reasons You’ll Miss ‘PLL’ When It Ends

Since 2010, ‘Pretty Little Liars’ has provided you with insane plot twists, mind-boggling mysterious and hours of pure entertainment. With the recent news of ‘PLL’ coming to an end next spring, it’s only fair that we reminisce on the good times throughout the show, and explain why this iconic show will be dearly missed once it’s over.

1. Because we’ll never be able to see Hanna’s hilarious dance moves ever again.

2. Or her amazing one-liners.

3. Because of all the MCMs the show provided you with.

Late night shooting

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4. Because of the Ezria moments that pulled at your heartstrings.

5. And let’s not forget about those Haleb scenes.

6. Or Spencer’s sassy comments.

7. Most of all, you’ll probably miss seeing these faces on your TV every Tuesday night.