Why Chloe Lukasiak is Thankful for ‘Dance Moms’ and Abby Lee Miller

Why Chloe Lukasiak is Thankful for ‘Dance Moms’ and Abby Lee Miller
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Everything happens for a reason!

Anybody who’s ever watched Dance Moms knows that the girls go through a lot on the show. Their dance teacher, Abby Lee Miller, is famous for her arguably overly-critical feedback and intense regiments. So, obviously we all understood when Chloe Lukasiak left the cast a few years back.

But in a recent interview, the 16-year-old revealed that she’s actually thankful for her younger years on the show, and for Abby’s criticism because it helped her grow thick skin and evolve into the confident teen she is today!

“I’m a huge believer that everything happens for a reason. I think I was meant to have that good and bad experience, and learn and grow from it. It definitely gave me thick skin, which is crucial for this industry.”

QUIZ: Find out which ‘Dance Moms’ star you are!