Alisha Marie Tearfully Announces YouTube Hiatus

Alisha Marie Tearfully Announces YouTube Hiatus

Alisha Marie is not saying goodbye, but see you later!

In her most recent YouTube video, the 25-year-old used her platform to tearfully announce that she would be taking a break from filming and uploading videos so that she could have more time to focus on herself.

Referred to as “the most dramatic video she’s ever filmed,” the blonde beauty opened up about not being happy with the recent content across her two channels. In order to take time for herself and become proud of her work again, Alisha plans on taking a break from her main channel and only vlogging if she wants to, not because she’s forced to.

Watch Alisha’s heartfelt goodbye and be sure to send her some social media love!

ICYMI: Alisha recent celebrated her 10 year YouTube anniversary!