Exclusive: Makeup Artist Sydney Morgan Talks Wearing Full Grinch Glam In Public & More

Exclusive: Makeup Artist Sydney Morgan Talks Wearing Full Grinch Glam In Public & More
Photo: Courtesy of @Sydney.m0rgan / Instagram

Get a glimpse behind the glam!

With over five million (and counting!) followers to date, Sydney Morgan has officially achieved FYP superfame. The 19-year-old makeup artist first turned to TikTok as a creative escape after being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, and now actively uses her powerful platform to inspire and encourage others to lean on their passions as an outlet just like she does!

Known for her sparkly skeletons, scary clowns, mystical mermaids and more, Sydney sat down with us to spill her most memorable makeup moments, reveal how long it *really* takes to create her intricate looks and everything in between!

How did you first get started with makeup? Was it something you were passionate about before posting on TikTok?

Sydney: I started makeup in my school art club. We would volunteer in our community to paint kids’ faces at events. I realized I was doing pretty well because everyone would come to my line so I could paint their faces. So then I thought, maybe I should start doing this to myself! The thing is though, if I mess up on myself, I have no problem wiping it off and doing it again; but if I mess up on someone else, I get really stressed out and nervous!

Your end results are always perfection! What does the process look like to achieve such intricate looks?

Sydney: Some of my videos take six hours to do the makeup looks, and that’s not even taking into account the planning of the idea! I usually do a sketch on a piece of paper, and a little face chart if it’s a really detailed look so I have the idea. I then look through TikTok to see which sounds will match the look. A couple weeks ago, my friend and I spent 16 hours doing three makeup looks…all for 15-second TikToks! I just genuinely love doing it. I think it’s so much fun!

Wow, now that’s dedication! After all that time and effort, have you ever loved a look so much you just couldn’t wash it off?

Sydney: Usually, I get the photos and I’m like ‘get this off of me!’ So I, typically, wipe it off super quickly. But I’ve had to go run errands with a crazy makeup look on…I’ve gone to the Starbucks drive-thru with a skeleton! One of my favorite looks was around Christmas time because I dressed myself up as the Grinch with full prosthetics and a Santa suit. It probably took five hours! It was snowing, so I went outside and I was sledding as the Grinch! I also walked around my neighborhood and was taking pictures with kids… it was nice to leave it on and have other people see it in person for once.

That’s definitely not something you see everyday! When you’re not in Grinch glam, what’s your go-to makeup look on a daily basis?

Sydney: It would be a nice, natural look. I kind of go for the “no-makeup, makeup” look, or wear no makeup at all. People are sometimes surprised by that. They’re like, ‘you don’t have full-glam on all the time?’ I just go out normal, like everyone else. But, I have not missed a single day of uploading since I started my account in July! I’ve pretty much done something makeup-related every single day. It’s a lot of time, consistency, and dedication!

Where does that drive come from? Do you ever feel pressure to post every single day?

Sydney: I feel like it’s super important to not force myself when I don’t want to do it because makeup is a creative outlet for me, my stress-free zone. I don’t want it to get to a point where it feels more like a job. It’s something that I enjoy doing… it’s fun for me!

As a fan, it’s so easy to tell when creators really, truly love what they do. Are there any makeup artists that you’re you inspired by or any who you’d want to collaborate with in the future?

Sydney: I love Abby Roberts’ TikTok! I’ve been following her for a really long time…As for a collaboration, I want to do makeup on my friend Benji Krol…Also, Avani [Gregg] because she always says she takes her emotions and then puts them on her face. Her style is very unique and also very different from mine. I think with our brains together, we would have something really cool!

Want to see more? Check out 14 of Sydney Morgan’s most creative makeup moments!