EXCLUSIVE: Diary of a High School Reporter at the Breaking Dawn – Part 2 Premiere

EXCLUSIVE: Diary of a High School Reporter at the <em>Breaking Dawn – Part 2</em> Premiere

High school newspaper editor Didi was next to us on the carpet for the world premiere of Breaking Dawn – Part 2 and she was the only high school journalist at the event. We asked her to write a diary of her experiences to show what it’s like when a real teen gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Check out her guest blog below:

I’m not going to hide it, I’ve been a Twilight Saga nerd since 2005. I’m also the Arts and Entertainment Editor of The Cardinal & White, Whittier High School’s student-run paper. When I wrote to Summit Entertainment press, asking if I could cover the Breaking Dawn – Part 2 premiere for our paper, I didn’t know what to expect. A small voice in my head said “No, it’s not going to work. Don’t bother.” But, after emailing back and forth for a while, I finally got my answer. I was having lunch at school when I saw the email saying I was approved. My reaction? Tears were streaming my eyes; my friends were wondering if I needed a breather. I danced around, hugged some random people and started counting the hours. Before I knew it, it was November 12.

Being a part of the Breaking Dawn premiere was an amazing opportunity. I had the chance to talk with stars of the film, including Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. I admire their enthusiasm. They talk to the reporters like you would talk to a lifelong friend, and it inspired me to consider doing this with the rest of my life. Afterward the carpet, I had the chance to watch the movie with all of the actors and film crew. It was a perfect ending! The film was amazing from start to finish. It was a great experience to be part of the press; the actors were surprised to know I am a high school student. I would love to relive the night – except the part where you have to wait hours until Nokia Theatre returns your phone and camera.

It was a once in a chance lifetime opportunity for me, a high school journalist, to cover the carpet of a worldwide premiere.