Alli Simpson On How She Deals With Pressure on Social Media

Alli Simpson On How She Deals With Pressure on Social Media
c/o: Instagram

Here’s everything you need or could ever to know about why Radio Disney host and singer, Alli Simpson, 18, believes in the power of cleansing.

TigerBeat: You went to Palm Springs to get away. What sparked that?

Alli Simpson: I chose to make that trip at a really emotional time in my life. I just felt very overwhelmed with everything in Hollywood and wanted to find my roots, and cleanse. It definitely really helped me, and I think it’s something everyone should do.

TB: How did social pressures play into your decision?

Alli: That was a huge part of it. A lot of people don’t know that I am a normal teenage girl who struggles with the same things they do, like body image and the pressure to look perfect. Girls are constantly comparing themselves to each other these days, and I felt so overwhelmed by that. It’s a lot of social pressure that girls are dealing with day to day.

TB: So what did you do to cleanse yourself of those things?

Alli: It was a lot of jungle running, listening to music and getting in touch with all my friends in Australia. I also did a lot of thinking and alone time. I didn’t wear makeup and just got in touch with myself again.

TB: And how did you feel after you came back from your [social media] cleanse?

Alli: I felt really revitalized and just really empowered. I was ready to come back and put things in perspective.

TB: What’s one thing you hope your fans learn from you?

Alli: I want to encourage other girls to not compare themselves to each other, and not get so down on themselves. Love yourself for who you are and the beauty that you have instead of comparing yourself to one another.