Uh oh! Is Connor Franta Leaving O2L?!

Uh oh! Is Connor Franta Leaving O2L?!

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Adorable O2L member Connor Franta shared some upsetting news yesterday, saying he has decided to take a step back from making YouTube videos with his O2L pals — GASP!

Connor posted one last video on the O2L channel for the fans (see below). In the vid, Connor reveals that he has been going through some really tough things lately and needs to take a step back from all the stress in his life. Aww, poor Con. But he also assures O2L fans not to worry! He and the other guys are still best buds and they totally support his decision.

We know tons of you are probably super sad to hear this news. So here are 7 of our fave Connor moments to help cheer you up!

7. What has you so scared?

6. Great words of advice!

5. Will the real Connor Franta please stand up?

4. He’s so photogenic! Someone should alert the modeling world.

3. Don’t we all?

2. AWW! We love you, too!

1. Connor’s smile always brightens up our day!

We want to wish Connor the best of luck for his future projects. Leave some love for Connor in the comments below and on Twitter.