Ask Blog Girl!

Ask Blog Girl!

Ask Blog Girl

Got burning advice questions about boys, friends, school and more? Blog Girl is here for you! Every week, we take questions from YOU, our lovely readers, and choose questions at random to answer right here. If you need advice about anything, please leave your questions in the comments below. Let’s get to this week’s questions!

minionlover says, “dear blog girl, there is this guy in my class who I think likes me because he always stare at me and flirts with me. I like him too. how do I ask him to a dance? thanks.”

Hey, minionlover! You know, I’m going to tell you a secret about guys: Almost all of them are as terrified as you are about asking out their crush and most of them would give ANYTHING for her to make the first move. So if you’re trying to figure out how to ask your crush to the dance, just pause, think about how YOU’D like to be asked and do that. He’ll be relieved that you’re making the first move! Good luck!

carleen says, “Hi Blog girl… question how did you get this website and this popular to be on bop and tiger beat! im a huge fan and love the advice you give out to the poeple. ;D”

Hey, carleen! First of all: Thank you! You are so sweet! As for how I got to write advice on Tiger Beat‘s website, the secret is just lots of hard work! I’m a firm believer that if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish whatever your dreams are! I’m living proof of that – I love writing for you guys! Thanks for your support and good luck making YOUR dreams come true, too!

Savanah says, “Dear Blog Girl,I have a crush on my Friend and he knows that i like him what do i do if he asks me out. HELP BLOG GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Hey, Savanah! I’m sorry that you’re so panicked about your crush. Step one: Take a few deep breaths and find your center. It sounds cliche, yeah, but you to focus here. This is crush talk. This is IMPORTANT. Calm now? Good. Here’s the good news: If you like your friend and you’re worried that he might ask you out, then chances are, you’re getting the vibe that he likes you back. If that’s the case, just keep an open mind and be honest when (and IF) he asks you out. If you want to be his girlfriend, go for it. If you aren’t allowed to date yet or just aren’t ready to go beyond crushing from a distance, THAT’S OKAY TOO. Just be honest with him and everything will be okay. Good luck!

Vanessa M says, “Dear Blog girl,in my school no guys like me that way.I had a bf this summer but he was just using me.It always kind of depresses me when I think about no guys liking me what should I do?”

Hey, Vanessa M! I know it’s easy to feel like no one likes you (especially after a bad breakup), but that’s just not true. I’m sure you’ve had crushes on people you never, ever admitted your feelings to. That’s just a part of life. Someone out there likes you, that’s for sure, they just might be too shy to tell you (or they might be trying to give you space if they know you just got out of a bad relationship with your summer BF). Don’t be depressed. You are an amazing girl and having a boyfriend won’t make you any better (just like NOT having one won’t make you any LESS amazing!). Focus on yourself for a while. Heal from your bad breakup. Love will find you again, you just have to be patient. Good luck!

Ana Barrios says, “Dear Blog Girl, I have this huge zit on my face, and it’s gross!!! They’re spreading all over my cheeks, chest, neck, and back!!!! I tried medicines that prevent them from coming back, but it won’t work. And now it gets any worse!!! What shall I do? I wanna look pretty!!!! Help!!!!!! Love, Ana Barrios (Philippines)”

Hey, Ana Barrios! Zits are so terrible! I hate when I get one so I TOTALLY understand what you’re going through. If you’ve already tried over-the-counter acne medications (those are the ones you can just buy at any drug store or Target), then it might be time to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. Dermatologists are doctors that specialize in treating skin, including acne! They’ll be able to prescribe you some extra strong medicine to beat the acne! You should also make sure you have a good daily skincare routine in place (including washing your face every morning and night and removing all of your makeup at the end of the day). Good luck!