5 Memes That Perfectly Describe What Catching the Feels is Really Like

5 Memes That Perfectly Describe What Catching the Feels is Really Like
Courtesy of Taylor Swift / instagram

Movies always make crushing on someone look all happy, like flowers and unicorns, but that’s not always the case.

Most of the time, when you develop a crush it’s scary because you don’t know if they’ll like you back or if it will ruin your friendship or if you even want a relationship at the moment.

Here are five memes that depict what catching the feels is *really* like:

1. When it’s been so long since you’ve had a crush that you genuinely don’t know what to do and need help. Dr. Phil? Oprah?

2. When you realize your playful banter with a guy is now full on flirting.

3. When your friend wants to avoid an awkward first date with her crush so she drags you and her crush’s best friend along.

4. When he really steps up his game, so you’ve got to try extra hard not to step in any feelings.


5. When you’re not crushing on anyone and feel truly free!

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