Meet Sam DeRosa, Your New Pop Obsession

Meet Sam DeRosa, Your New Pop Obsession
Courtesy of Sam DeRosa / instagram

Sam DeRosa is in it for the thrill.

After auditioning for reality shows like “American Idol” and “The Voice,” the New York native singer-songwriter is telling her own story through pop jams so powerful they’ll break your heart.

TB: When did you first start singing?

Sam DeRosa: My mom auditioned for my dad’s rock band when they were teenagers and they’ve been together ever since. They’ve been married 27 years, together for 30-something. So I really believe I was singing in the womb.

Sooooon ❤️❤️

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TB: Tell us about the inspiration behind your single “Thrills.”

Sam DeRosa: “Thrills” for me was just about my struggle of going through life in that way where I’ve been so concerned about getting there and what people think and making it all look so cool. I was like, “Man I have to be enjoying this every second of every day and if I’m not, what am I doing?”

“I’m just gonna go out there, enjoy the ride, and everything is happening for reasons that I’ll figure out later when I get to the destination. And that’s where ‘Thrills’ came in.”

TB: How would you describe your sound?

Sam DeRosa: I would say it’s an emotional headbop because the lyrics are really honest but I kind of disguise how emotionally crazy I am with these pop-y, headboppin’, pop grooves. I think that that’s the fun of it- it’s like these really crafty lyrics that I’ve written from my heart that I mean with my whole heart but they’re disguised by this fun pop sound.

Life is about your faith in yourself being greater than your fear of failure. ❤️

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TB: Do you have any advice for aspiring singers?

Sam DeRosa: Find inspiration everywhere that you are, but don’t let it change who you are. Don’t ever become too affected by what someone else is doing. Respect it, listen to it, have a blast and then turn the world off for a minute and remember why you’re you. I guess I would just really want people to know that there may be a bunch of breakup songs on the planet already and there may be a bunch of dance songs on the planet but yours hasn’t happened yet. So there’s always room for you.

Listen to “Thrills” below!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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